Saturday, June 4, 2011

Citizen of the soil

Welcome to my blog, you can just call me Citizen. Growing up we've always heard these folklores like "there's no gold in Fort Knox" or "the government is ran by the corperations". Until recently, I thought those people were a little crazy, we have the Constitution, who would trample on that?

I grew up as an Army bratt, all I knew is that the Constitution was the greatest document in the world and it was my dad's job to protect it. It wasn't until 9/11 that I really began to question with boldness what it was that made this country. In the process I went from Communist to to Patriot once I came to the understanding of what it was that made America.

Being a father myself, I understand that it is my duty to pass down to my son the traditions of our ancestors and a firm foundation about life. My goal is to use this blog as a tool for my son and others to use to come to the understanding of what the Constitution is all about, how to regain our Republic and what exactly our rights are and what they mean. Sometimes we as parent don't get the ability to sit down and go detail by detail, but hopefully this will be a guide that will bring all readers to the understanding of our form of government.