Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Tribute to Patriots

Growing up my grandpa Agner used to talk to me about the Constitution. Through him I was able to understand and respect such a great document.

" I would like to have a digital record of what I believe are our present day founding fathers in thought and action. First, I think, and many others have stated this before me, that Ron Paul is our present day Thomas Jefferson. He has in many ways resembled him and maybe even Andrew Jackson.  
Ron Paul is a national hero in 2011, so I want to talk about others that I think deserve attention at this time such as Lee Brobst, Alex Jones, Bill Cooper, and Peter Schiff. I think these figures resemble the present day Anti-Federalist movement during the time of the Constitution, but this time their voice isn't being heard as loudly. Like all things, they can become perverted if they get into the wrong hands and that is what is used to slander these Patriots.
I feel that because of our lack of education when it comes to history is purposefully done to make it a boring subject, but you don't understand what the hi(story) is unless you read and learn which would be against the interest of the National Government of the United States."
 Please take the time to read the links under Suggested Reading to start your journey. These are articles which I think merrit thought, but I am in no way intending to mislead you, for example: What started me on this particular journey was Accepted for value, through research using some of the articles listed I was able to come to the conclusion that is was a scam, along with the FBI's scam list. People can't borrow money from themselves, it's an accounting term, not a law term. The term borrowing money from yourself was a way to make sure that book keeping was accurate, it's jargon not an actual fact because no one can borrow money from themselves. This is the research that I hope you do on your own, I just want to get you started.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

How the Constitution came to be

I have been recently researching the claim about the 14th amendment citizen and came across a highly organized group that call themselves the republic of the 50 states. At face value, they look great. What offended me most was how they operate as an organized unit, but they don't understand the history of the document they're wrapping theymselves in, so I've decided to give a breif history of how the Constitution came to be

In 1776 the Declaration of Independance was signed, but we didn't really have a government. Each State was its own soverign government. After the Declaration of Independence came the Articles of Confederation.