Sunday, June 5, 2011

How the Constitution came to be

I have been recently researching the claim about the 14th amendment citizen and came across a highly organized group that call themselves the republic of the 50 states. At face value, they look great. What offended me most was how they operate as an organized unit, but they don't understand the history of the document they're wrapping theymselves in, so I've decided to give a breif history of how the Constitution came to be

In 1776 the Declaration of Independance was signed, but we didn't really have a government. Each State was its own soverign government. After the Declaration of Independence came the Articles of Confederation.

 After the war was over problems arose out of the Articles of Confederation. A delegation was sent to Philidalphia to fix 3 key issues of money, taxes, and trade. Instead the framers of the Constitution decided to scrap the Articles of Confederation and make a whole new government under a Constitutional Republic (there were no bill of rights at this time). The Constitution was ratified by 5 State assemblies and then was met with resistence. The Anti-Federalists were able to gain support and almost stop the ratification of the Constitution. Finally a compromise was made that the remainder of the States would ratify the Constitution if a bill of rights were included.

A second Constitutional convention was held in which the suggestions from the states could be made to the Constitution. There were a total of 15 amendments proposed, but 3 of them were rejected by the states and 2 by the Senate. The Constitution was ratified and the Bill of Rights ratified 2 years later.

I also have links under Suggested Reading if you would like to explore more history of the founding of the Constitution.

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