Monday, June 27, 2011

Why are we being insane?

The definition of insanity is to do the same thing over and over again expecting different results. Why have we for so many generations kept doing the same thing, all we're doing is killing ourselves slowly.

The role of government is to foster growth and innovation, not restrict it through regulation. Government is there to provide for the general welfare for the people of the United States, not kill it.

You ask yourself, "why is everything getting worse?", but yet you do nothing to figure out why because if you do, you'll be forced to act on it. Are you afraid to find out that who you thought was your friend is your enemy or are you trying not to acknowledge that you've been robbed blind. It's time to wake up and face our problems so that we as a nation can heal the wounds of failed leaders and policies.

It's not governments responsibility to support you, it's only responsibility to you is to foster your greatest gift, your mind. When the mind is free from requesting permission and fostered, prosperity will ensue. As long as we continue to pick the lesser of two evils instead of the guy who's really good for the job, we'll continue on our road of insanity.

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