Friday, September 23, 2011

Who can benefit America in the next election

After watching the debate last night here in Orlando I was able to get a clear picture of who would be the best candidate for the Republicans in 2012. I think Michelle Bachman said it best when she said that Obama had dropped so far in popular support that it's time for Republicans to find their candidate instead of looking for who can beat Obama. I would say my top 4 candidates would be Ron Paul, Gary Johnson, Huntsman, and Newt Gingrich.

Newt Gingrich

Although Newt was the House Speaker during the 90's, I still think he's a relevant candidate. I do not agree with him, but if we were looking at qualifications, I think he would fit the build. As House Speaker he was able to get through a lot of entitlement reform. Considering our current economic condition, I think he may actually be the only one who could touch entitlements and get away with it.

During the debate last night Newt said he would outline his new 21st century contract with America, sorry Newt, you already wrote a book on it. I would suggest that if this candidate interests you to read his book 21st century contract with America. This was one of the few books I was able to read all the way through without having to put it down for a period of time. The reading is simple and easy for the average American to understand. I think that his book will do him more justice than a debating forum where he won't have as much a chance to outline his plan.


I verified with my dad last night that Huntsman is the son of John Huntsman who is friends with Glenn Beck and tycoon. I think that alone gives him a leg up over Gingrich any day of the week. The Huntsman family is a money trust family. After seeing Huntsman's father on Glenn Beck I was able to get the impression that for a money trust family, they're one of the good guys.

What I liked most about Huntsman along with several other candidates is the issue of states rights. There were several times when he made sure to include states rights in almost all his arguments. This is important because since 1933 the states rights have been eroded to a point where states are almost as irrelevant as Congress has become over the last 2 years. This is the only reason I like this candidate.

Gary Johnson

If you know your history then you'll know that a candidate with his record directly aligns itself with the Constitution. Gary Johnson was a popular governor in New Mexico. If there weren't term limits in his State I believe he'd still be governor. Gary Johnson's record shows that he did veto several hundred bills during his time in office, reduced taxes 3 times, and protected the civil liberties of his State Citizens. If you are a Constitutionalist or Tea Party member, this candidate should be in your top 2 picks during the primaries.

Ron Paul

For those of us who like history, Ron Paul is a novelty in politics because he's a cross between Andrew Jackson and Thomas Jefferson. Both Presidents abolished their Federal Reserves, but back then it was called the First Bank of the United States both times it was abolished. Ron Paul is in line with American policy before 1913 and the establishment of the Federal Reserve Act.

Another point to note is that Ron Paul is the chairman of the Financial Services Committee, this means he knows more about economics than everyone on stage except maybe Herman Cain. Ron Paul has been an advocate of sound currency, he's even sponsored the Competition and Currency Act which would allow competitors of currency to compete. This is good because as most Americans know our dollar is about to collapse, currency competition would allow a smooth transition into an alternative currency that is sound in nature and will do less harm to the people.

If Ron Paul were to be defined I think it would be three topics, civil liberty, sound money, and bringing all of our troops home. In my opinion and based upon Ron Paul's record, I think he would be the only candidate besides Gary Johnson who would follow through on his promise to bring our troops home. Ron Paul is a strong advocate of Nationalism which promotes individual sovereignty among the many nations, this in turn would cause a large majority of overseas bases to be closed reducing our control over the governments of the world.

Message of warning

Although we've got a bigger array of candidates who believe in States rights, I warn you that the front runners are RINO's. Candidates like Sen. Santorum, Gov. Perry, and Gov. Romney are the Republican equivalent to Obama; they're just telling you what you want to hear to get elected. I would suggest looking at a candidates track record in order to find out what type of President they will be, unfortunately people aren't going off of that which is why they have no right to complain when they get Obama light. It's time we started selecting candidates based upon their ability to stay in line with the Constitution instead of having a beauty pageant for the White House.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Historical evidence for our economic collapse

*This is the final article at this point as part of the historical references regarding our pending global collapse as mentioned in the previous article*

I have spent many years researching online about this subject. I grew up with a single mother and was an army brat. Since I was a kid patriotism was taught and the Constitution preached. I come before you in the same way Thomas Payne came before the Colonists of the Revolution with "Common Sense." It is time to become informed with the issues of our day and how we got here so that we can preserve a more peaceful tomorrow. Through this writing I hope to show you our history of where we've been, where our roots grow, and what may become if fail to get informed.


Before we can even start to take a look at the big picture we must first come to understand certain key elements that have become perverted over time. First we must look at what currency is and learn the difference between currency and real wealth.

When I try to teach people about currency I like to tell the story of the Tally-Stick system set up by King Henry VIII, which is still used in our modern banking system, to show currency as a tool. When King Henry was trying to get away from the silent power of the banks he was forced to create the Tally-Stick system. Because wood was a valuable commodity he cut down a branch, cut notches representing monetary value, and cut it in half with one going to the individual and the other to the Treasury for record keeping. He was able to demand taxes to be paid in the new system. This is what helped propel England from Island to Empire. Currency was meant to be the next step above barter as a tool and socially accepted exchange medium, not to be sought after or accumulated.

Now that we know what currency is, let's take a look at what real wealth is. In the 1300's there was a group commonly known as the "Black Nobility" for their hatred of the Church and sidestepping of Church Usury Laws by charging huge fee's. What they accumulated as part of their fee's would be considered real wealth because they couldn't charge interest on the loans they gave out. The fee's would be commodities such as crops, land, resources, and even labor. The difference between currency and real wealth other than the obvious ones is that currencies come and go, real wealth is the same every day of the week.

American threat to established power

Although we're told that America won Independence from England, that's not entirely true if you read the Treaty of Paris 1783. The agreement between the Americans and English was that Americans would no longer be recognized as subjects of the Crown and that they would recognize the United States of America as a global trading partner. What we gave in return was the ability for those British subjects who lost property, the land was to be returned to them. In essence we never really owned a lot of land or our land after the Revolution. Until after the war of 1812 English soldiers were still stationed within the United States.

All wars in America and throughout the world for the last 700-1000 years were started on by the money interest through manipulation. The War of 1812 is thought to have been caused because Thomas Jefferson didn't renew the charter of the private First Bank of the United States. When Andrew Jackson declared international bankers to be a "den of vipers" while on his quest to get rid of the second First Bank of the United States, this is what led to the events surrounding the starting of the Civil War. Even President Lincoln was assassinated because John Wilkes Booth along with 3 others were tried and convicted of conspiracy to murder on behalf of international bankers. The third and final attempt by the money interest to gain control of our money supply was under Woodrow Wilson who would later regret his role calling America "the worst ruled nation in history", but this wasn't officially finalized until under the FDR administration during the Great Depression.

Because of disinformation we as the general public were foolishly deceived by the cause of the depression. The very agency that made the case to Congress that they were better suited to prevent something like this again were also the one's who created it by changing the reserve rate for bank from 10% to 20% ultimately causing the money supply to go from $2200 per person to $16.50 per person. May I remind you this is a private bank with unknown international investors!

America is and has been a threat to the monetary interest since our inception because of two reasons, our ability to coin our own money and our civil liberties. We've been able to watch them try and fail to take control of our money supply twice because we were informed, but they won the third and final try through deception. As far as civil liberties go a great example is our modern world. Have you ever noticed that the countries with little to no civil liberties are not only the poorest, but most exploited too? Civil liberties cost money and prevent those who wish to rob countries of their wealth for themselves from having unimpeded access. A banker will tell you that Nationalism is the last dying hope of a nation, but I will tell you that Nationalism is the first wise decision for a country if you understand what Nationalism is.

Collapse of 1345

In 1342 a Venetian bank ran by what was called the "Black Nobility" (enemies of the church and tried to sidestep church usury laws) had over extended itself on some bad loans. They loaned only to Monarchs and Aristocrats, so they started calling in loans to make up for lost reserves. In 1345 the king of England defaulted on his loans and caused the bank to collapse. This along with the Plague and 100 years war played a big part in a 120 year span where the earth's population was reduced by 25%. Some historians believe that the Plague's high death tolls and 100 years war were a direct result of the collapse of 1345.

Our banks, like the Venetians, overextended themselves by making some shady housing loans tied to derivatives. The housing bubble alone couldn't collapse the U.S. economy because this happens every 20-30 years, the derivatives (investment bets for/against person defaulting on loan) was our nail in the coffin. The most common report that I've been able to check is that there is $65 Trillion of wealth in the globe and the money owed for derivatives is $ 4,000 Trillion or $4 Quadrillion. As long as we can all agree to collect only interest payments and we don't have a double dip recession we'll be fine. If we can't hold off payment in full then London and New York are going to have to fold leaving those holding U.S. dollars with toilet paper.

1st Continentals

Our Revolution was caused by a rebellion against the money interest. It all started with the 1st Continentals, because there was not enough Gold in circulation to facilitate commerce the Colonial governments decided to print what would become Colonials. The Colonies thrived under the Continentals until the Crown Bank of England and petitioned the King to fix the Colonial issue. The King made Colonials illegal and forced the colonies to use only Gold. This led to high unemployment and a depression. Two years later the King decided to issue the Stamp Act Tax which would then be the final straw for starting the Revolutionary War.

14th Amendment/Expatriation Act

Did you know that through a couple of publicly uninformed decisions we're all 2nd class citizens? Even Sen. Santorum (R) has managed to sidestep the real problem at hand.

Article 1 of the Constitution classifies you as a "Common Law" citizen or "Citizen of your State then a citizen of the United States." Up until the passage of the 14th Amendment in 1867 we only had State Citizens and United States citizens. Because some of the States refused to recognize blacks as Citizens, the 14th Amendment was passed to give them some sort of citizenship. Because of the way the Amendment was written it made the blacks second class citizens by making Amendments 1-8 privileges and only giving you those that were part of due process.

This wasn't as big a deal as it is today because it was only a select few who were 14th Amendment citizens until the "Joint Venture of 1935". In 1935 Congress passed H.J.R. 192 asking citizens of the United States to turn in their Gold (Only 14th Amendment citizens and those who participated in international or interstate commerce, military, and government employee's were United States citizens). Once more than 51% of the people turned in their Gold the U.S. government devalued Gold from $20.67 to $35 allowing the government to make a profit. In this case the lack of understanding towards how our laws and country were being run at the time put us into a binding contract that even the Constitution can't supersede.

Immediately after H.J.R. 192 was passed and the people turned in their Gold, the next phase was set up. To be able to completely allow for centralized power by the government was the "Intergovernmental dependence Act" enacted by the States from 1935-38. This would eventually erode the State borders into one centralized government. After the Book of the States 1935-38 Congress amended the Interstate Commerce Act of 1887 in 1940 to classify all persons as carriers of commerce. This would later lead to the IRS 10 years later officially making all citizens within these several states 14th Amendment citizens.

One good piece of news is that for every law there has to be a remedy which is why right before the 14th Amendment was passed the Expatriation Act was passed to allow a way out if you so choose. (I may expand on this in the future, Lee Brobst will be your best resource until then).

Woodrow Wilson and Edward Bernays

There are only 2 reasons to talk about Woodrow Wilson, his connection to the Federal Reserve Act of 1913, and his propaganda or communications officer Edward Bernays. In order to really understand the significance of Bernays we must understand that Bernays' uncle was Sigmund Freud who was the father of modern day Psychology. Bernays started out as an advertising consultant. His most significant work can be linked to our consumer based society, women smoking, and changing Americans breakfast from coffee and toast to bacon and eggs along with other societal changes.

Because we've built our consumerist society we need to understand how it results in our foreign policy. The author of "Confessions of an economic hit man" gives us a glimpse of what really goes on. Our population is anywhere between 3-5% of the worlds population, but we consume more than 40% of the worlds resources. This is not a sustainable model for any country including ours. If China were to do this it would consume everything with nothing left over for the rest of the world.

The author of "Confessions" explains to us that the way our foreign policy works is through economics first, assassination second, then war is the final option. When I read in the news and I see all these wars we're in, I know that our foreign policy is failing miserably. We invaded Iraq not for Oil, but because Iraq wanted to start selling Oil in Euros which would destabilize the U.S. economically. We've been paying attention to Libya, but is it Democracy that we want to install or was it because they were about to start coining the "Gold Denar" which would cause oil to be bought and sold in Gold the U.S. doesn't even have (read the article about DSK in the EU times with an interview of Putin).

Greek Bond Bubble

In the last year or so Greece has been having a financial crisis, but what's most important is how their bond market collapsed causing their economic problems. It wasn't the private sector who collapsed, it was a malicious attack on the Greek government itself. In an interview done by RT (Russian Television) with a Greek businessman he explained that it wasn't the governments fault. The Greek said through his research of the bond market collapse that he saw short selling of bonds (This means that people are selling counterfeit bonds as real bonds causing interest rates to skyrocket due to lower demands for government bonds). The Greek also wanted to point out that this was done by a group of international investors that are nameless.
Since I've had the privilege to get some insider information on what was really going on, I've become worried that the same thing could happen to America. In December 2010 every news organization along with members of Congress such as Ron Paul stated that the U.S. bond bubble had officially burst. Unless those international investors that attacked the Greek bond market were U.S. America could have the same thing happen to us.

The Working Group

Although we have the threat of our bond market being sabotaged by outside investors, what's even more alarming and also the reason for us going head long into self destruction is a government agency called "the working group". In 1997 the Washington Post did two articles on the 1987 "Black Monday" crash in February and October of 1997.  The author of the articles wasn't sure if this agency was created under the FDR or Reagan administrations, but he did a good job explaining what the group was for.

Because we are the economic center of the world for the last 90 years we have a responsibility to the rest of the world. In the event that our financial markets lock up, we have to sacrifice ourselves in order to save the rest of the world. "The Working Group" consists of the heads of Treasury, SEC, and Federal Reserve. These heads are responsible for making sure that there is enough money in circulation in order to keep the global financial markets from locking up too. This was meant to be a short term one or two day fix, not a two or three year fix like what has been done with QE1 and QE2. Unfortunately this policy has allowed the U.S. to over saturate the currency market which will eventually be the demise of the United States (compare to the Wiemar Republic).


Now that we've gotten a brief overview of the historical events that have led us to this place in history, what is the next step? I hope your first step be to look up and verify the information I have placed here today because my goal was to inspire you to look a little deeper. Once this is done and you feel confident that you have a full understanding of what's going on there are other things that can be done to prepare yourself and family for this inevitable event.

1. Grow organic food: Portland is doing a great job in this area because there are a lot of the old WWII Liberty gardens being restored around the city. When growing your food, realize that you may not be able to go to the store the next year to get seeds, so heirloom seeds are the best to use because they're not genetically modified.

2. Collect metal: Gold and Silver are nice, but they're not the only metal that has a value. Silver happens to be a more industrial metal and could possibly be more valuable than Gold here in a few more years. Copper, Nickel, and other industrial medals are great for barter and trade. Some have speculated that after our financial collapse comes to full realization that it will take merely one ounce of Silver to feed a family of 4 for a month.

3. Restoring soil: Oil based chemicals has done a lot of damage to our soil. There are a few simple ways to restore your soil, one being to urinate on the ground or in your garden.

4. Preparing other means of living: Being indoors may, after a while, prove to be a health risk. I would suggest having camping gear ready and/or figuring out another way to dispose of bodily waste. If you do plan on moving out doors making sure safety is taken care of is your first priority because by then martial law has ensued.

5. Have a plan for martial law: Although this country was set up for peaceful revolutions, I doubt anyone will follow that after seeing what's going on in Europe. Martial law is no joke, be cooperative when you have to be because family safety is number one. Also, make sure to keep your neighbors from doing anything too stupid to warrant the military from locking down your side of town. One more thing to note is that if you're preparing to leave the major city during martial law, others may have beaten you to the punch and you may be putting your family in more danger this way.

Friday, August 19, 2011

How did we get here?

*Note: This is the start of a series of articles explaining where we started and where we're going as a country economically and politically.*

Let's start by talking about how we're repeating history. While doing my online research over the last several years I managed to come across a guy by the name of Daniel Estilan. Through him I was pointed to the collapse of 1345. In order to understand where we're heading as a nation and globe, we need to take a trip back in history to see similar situations.

In 1342 the largest bank in the world was a Venetian bank ran by what was called the "Black Nobility". The reason they received that title was because they were trying to sidestep the Catholic Church's Usury Laws. Usury laws were set in place to prevent banks or private individuals from charging interest on loans, but it was ok to charge fee's. Because the banks only loaned to Monarchs and Aristocrats because they were the only land owners of the day. The banks would charge high fee's, but instead of money they wanted crops and other valuable national resources, this is what real wealth is. 1342 was the start of the collapse that would be in full swing by 1345.

The Venetian bank had over extended itself by making a few bad loans, so in order to make up their reserves they started calling in loans. The catalyst for the collapse came in 1345 when the King of England had defaulted on his loans. This caused an immediate implosion of the bank.  With the bank collapsed there was little currency left in circulation.

This collapse disrupted and made certain events during that time period worse than what it should have been. During this time the Plague was in full swing, some believe that the collapse of 1345 caused a higher death toll for the plague. Another significant event was the 100 years war. Over a 120 year period of time 1320-1440 the planet would lose 25% of its total population to these three events (this would be about 2-3 billion people in our time).

*Next article: Currency including the tally stick system and the first Continentals*

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Path in life

I think I know what direction I want to go in now. I've come to the realization that by staying here on this earth means that I'm going to be needing government benefits. This has been a long journey and something that I truly know that I have to do to ensure my survival, but I do it reluctantly. I figure that can make the best of it though, maybe things will turn out for the best.

I'm on a journey now of many paths. My spirituality is most important to me now, but it is hard to focus. I think that it will take time and patients, it's not something you can do overnight. My spiritual thoughts are that I must serve my fellow man. It seems that being in the service of others is the most important thing ever, I think because it creates humility and compassion. I know I have a lot of talent, so I am going to make sure that I best use my time to make an impact through teaching or other means that are positive.

I've found that I'm still in the material world, until I can break those bands I can't truly evolve. The fact that I still want nice things seems almost idealistic because of the manner that I want them. Objects should serve a purpose and are tools for various reasons. When indulgence kicks in, the way of the spirit is lost.

I've come to understand the purpose for life is evolution. When you realize that you have a spirit, you must ask yourself a question, what is my purpose? When you think of the flesh, consider it a spiritual suit. I've found that the purpose is to learn, love, and use your inner spirit to better guide you through the learning challenges of life. I think once one has lost touch with their spirit, they lose touch with reality and anarchy ensues. I think that we as a society have forgotten the spiritual aspect of life, I'm not talking about religions. If you believe the human being has a soul or spirit, shouldn't you connect with it since it seems to be your purpose of being here?

My other path in life is education. I believe that education is paramount to the survival of the species. If you learn about the environment around you, you learn the forces that dictate your daily decision making process. Unfortunately, I've chosen the path of least followers in studying money, politics, religion, and history. I understand why so few people really get into the deep history that has unfolded in our society throughout the years.

I think I'm at the point in my life where it is time that I passed on the education that I've learned. I've learned so many years of history in just a few short years, there's still more to learn. Compared to the average guy though, I'm leaps and bounds past a lot. I've gotten the privilege to see the last 1,000 years of history in an unbiased manner, which I feel makes me very lucky. It's time that I pass on the great joy of the things I've learned in life, not just the taboo subjects, but everything I've learned. Although I have a lot to learn, I can still pass on what I know as well.

Then there's the emotional path, this one is the hardest of them all. I have emotions up and down, some of them good and others bad. This path for me is about changing behaviour that is based upon emotion. I see myself destroying my friendships and relationships around me because emotional behavior learned during my childhood. I hope that I can pass onto my son the same understanding so that he may have more success than me.

I have many other avenues within myself that I want to take the time to focus on, hopefully they'll bring recovery and productivity. I think service and education are hand in hand going to change my life. I also have to balance this with productivity because I still have a son to support. It may be hard at first, but I know that if I'm determined to do this, I can. I first hope to serve in government as a volunteer to an official, then I'd like to be in service to the private sector that are doing positive things within the community. I think all of my dreams could be realized if my intent is pure.

Friday, July 1, 2011

Message in a bottle

**for those who don't know, this blog is set up for my son. I do appreciate it when people read my blog, but some of these articles may be helpful and are on a personal nature. This is a story of my first job out of high school. I was a baggage handler at the Portland Airport for Alaska Airlines.**

The day is April 24, 2000 at 1130pm or so. This was the last flight of the night, but we had a late passenger. So we pushed off and waited for the late bag. Because this lady didn't have a handgun permit she didn't claim it with check in. As the bag came up, I jogged over to get it, I wanted to go home. Normally when I put a bag in the pit(underneath the plane) I would jump up and toss the bag over the net. Instead I just opened the door and threw it over the net, but I hear a bang like a cap gun.

After the bang I started to smell sulfur. I thought I broke something because if a bag has fragile or gun sticker we're extra careful. I called my lead over and told him that I tossed the bag over the net and I think I broke something, but I smelt sulfur and didn't know what it was. The lead got up in the pit and grabbed the bag. When we opened it to see what was broken, we saw two guns. They were .357 fully loaded except for one bullet. Normally if someone claims a gun on a flight they separate the cartridges from the gun and put them in a plastic case. We double checked for the gun sticker and didn't find one.

We then started looking in the pit to see where the bullet went or was. We ended up finding that the bullet went through the pit door and through the ceiling. That was the last part of the investigation I was in. We were told to unload the plane and load the bags onto another plane. I started working to unload the bags when the pilot came down onto the tarmac and started talking about the top side investigation. He said that when they went to deboard the plane a mother of an 18 month old little girl went to pick up her diaper bag just put under the seat. When she picked up the bag, milk spilt all over the place, so when they picked out the bottle they found the bullet. I was already shaking while unloading the bags, so hearing that story started to make me cry. I joined the Marines to kill enemies of the USA, not to kill US citizens (I got a med els because of my hips before the end of boot camp).

By the time we were done the airport police arrived. I had to give them my statement, then went into the office to fill out more paper work. When I got home and relaxed a little from the event of the night, that's when things got really scary. After about 20 or so minutes of relaxing, I started to have my first panic attack. I started shaking, I blacked out a little, I thought I could fly out my third story window if I could just rip off my skin. A voice, I come to later know as my spirit or soul, stopped me twice that night from jumping. It told me that what was going on wasn't real, I couldn't fly and I needed my skin. I went through each time, I came to in a running stance facing my window.

I went in the next day to quit my job and was told that I couldn't and was forced onto workman's comp. I decided to take workman's comp because I had no choice. I started looking for work a few days later and found a job a week before I returned to the airport. I went to work for the airport and gave my notice a couple of days after coming back. I ended up leaving earlier than that because the medication they were giving me made me black out and I damaged a $250,000 part.

Shortly after that I lost my other job, this started a downhill spiral for me for about 5 years. I spent 3 years on only 2 hours sleep a night. For 5 years or so I was on and off the streets. I would find a job, after 3-6 months I would have a downward spiral and sit in a corner for 3 days until I got my no call no shows, then I would take my check and buy a bus ticket to another town and get in a shelter to do the same thing all over again. When I got to San Francisco, that all changed. It was 2006 and I met some wonderful people. I had someone point me towards college, this is what started pushing me in the right direction. By that time though, I'd been hospitalized 8 times.

I made one mistake, but a good one because I wouldn't have you otherwise. I passed the UA and knew I would pass the background check, or so I thought. I quit my job on some bad advice from a friend, always give notice, but something came up in my background I didn't know about and lost the job. It was a $70,000 job working for Washington Mutual doing project management. Because the job fell through, I went homeless again, I had what I thought would be my last mental breakdown. It was the longest I stayed in the hospital (10 days). I swore from that day forward I wouldn't quit a job unless I had another one because that's what ended up putting me in the hospital. I got into an altercation with another homeless guy because of a bathroom stall of all thing (they're crackheads after all). I went through 6 weeks of 5-10 panic attacks a day (not sure of exact number but it's close).

I met your mother 8 months later. When I met her she was wonderful, my soul mate. When we found out you were on the way, we prepared with joy for you. We were in the middle of an economic collapse, so to prove a point because she said she couldn't find work, I applied to 3 random jobs. In May of 2009 I landed a job at Xpressbet, when I got the job I told your mother she could have her maternity leave and could stay home as long as she needed. We really wanted to give you a full time parent at home if we could. Because the management allowed favorite employee's to get away with anything, I ran across Ryan Kimberling. He was a hot head with a power trip and hatred toward me. Not only did I take the place of a guy who died and was their best friend, but as Ryan later told me, he didn't like the fact that I was getting paid more than him and he was training me. It wasn't my fault that they paid me based upon my experience. Needless to say this along with a fear based environment didn't pan out well for my PTSD and Panic Attacks.

After 3 months on the job I asked your mother to look for work, and she did. Because of the economic collapse work was hard to find, that's why I held out so long. I stayed there for some basic reasons. I promised myself that you would never be homeless, I didn't want DHS or any other state government taking you from us, and I had a duty as husband and father to keep a roof over your head and food in your belly. Because it was taking a long time for your mother to find a job, I was being destroyed phsycologically (not her fault). I held out as long as I could, but eventually I called your mom and told her I either need to quit my job or check into a hospital because I couldn't last another second there. We chose for me to quit. I've never been so scared in my life because we needed to keep a roof over your head.

Before I left Xpressbet though I went into some emergency counseling. I knew 2 months before I quit what was going on and I had to stop it (that's probably what got me to the point of quitting). In my emergency counseling all we talked about was how this had helped to destroy our marriage. He helped me here and there, but I wasn't getting the help I needed, which is why 3 weeks later I quit Xpressbet. I think at this time I started to subconsciously prepare for your mothers departure. Six months later we were talking about divorce and Eight months later it happened. We tried to save the marriage, but it wasn't until I went into my hospitalization that I realized I should have been there the day I left Xpressbet.

What's the message?

What I'm trying to tell you is that I've fought long and hard, but now I may be losing that fight. Life has a lot to offer and is always worth fighting the good fight, no matter what. This is a story of triumph for me because I held out as long as I could at Xpressbet, never mind the ultimate consequences, I never gave up. Unfortunately, things my get rough and ugly for me, that's why I'm making sure to tell you this now.

When I had my final breakdown when your mother and I decided on divorce, it wasn't for the reasons anyone thinks. I had my breakdown because I fought until everything was set up. When your mother finally got hired on full time is when I relaxed and went to the wind. I subconsciously knew that everything was going to be ok. I suffered too much damage at Xpressbet to recover from, I'll be happy to just have a minimum wage job and keep a roof over my head.

When I had that breakdown I was going to commit suicide, but the look in your mothers eyes brought me to reality long enough to call for some help. You've been my reason for not doing it because I want to be an inspiration to you. As you're going through life and having your troubles, know I'll be there in the background, even if I'm a vegetable. Remember this story every time life throws you a curve ball, you'll see that good things are out there, I hope you look back and see that your dad fought through it and never gave up. I have great expectations of you kid, I hope that you find eternal happiness. Be a family man because that's where your riches lay.

Monday, June 27, 2011

Why are we being insane?

The definition of insanity is to do the same thing over and over again expecting different results. Why have we for so many generations kept doing the same thing, all we're doing is killing ourselves slowly.

The role of government is to foster growth and innovation, not restrict it through regulation. Government is there to provide for the general welfare for the people of the United States, not kill it.

You ask yourself, "why is everything getting worse?", but yet you do nothing to figure out why because if you do, you'll be forced to act on it. Are you afraid to find out that who you thought was your friend is your enemy or are you trying not to acknowledge that you've been robbed blind. It's time to wake up and face our problems so that we as a nation can heal the wounds of failed leaders and policies.

It's not governments responsibility to support you, it's only responsibility to you is to foster your greatest gift, your mind. When the mind is free from requesting permission and fostered, prosperity will ensue. As long as we continue to pick the lesser of two evils instead of the guy who's really good for the job, we'll continue on our road of insanity.

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Can all of our monetary policy be fixed?

I've had the privilege of watching a few documentaries on Constitutional and Economic history the last few days. Because my brain is constantly trying to solve problems, I think I found our prosperity by accident. This article will outline my solution with historical references, what's even better, I think this solution satisfies Libertarians, Republicans, and Democrats. I would like some of your feedback on this and will answer all questions I can. I will also try to simplify this as much as I can.



Once you realize money isn't as valuable as we make it out to be, we can therefore fix this current economic collapse. Even Glenn Beck acknowledges that Depressions are caused by the contraction of the money supply and collapses are because there's too much money in the system. With this being stated we can now see that even our money supply is subject to the Laffer Curve. This is why I propose that we have a constant per-capita supply of currency in our system, for example $ 5,000 per-capita. Every time someone is born there is $ 5,000 printed and every time someone does there's $ 5,000 destroyed.

Because we're still working somewhat under a feudal system our current money supply is loaned to us through a central bank called the Federal Reserve which may have ties to the Bank of England (explains the LIBOR rate in loans). The Constitution authorizes Congress to print money, and under this system I'm proposing we would have to do away with the private Federal Reserve. I will talk more later on in this article about how to pay off the debt, but I would like to point out that Congressman Paul posted an excerpt from the Federal Reserve Act of 1913 showing the buy out clause to end the Federal Reserve.

People might say that by the Department of Treasury has nothing to back this system up. If you look historically, countries have used land, gold, silver, wood, and many other things to back up their currency. For this problem, I propose that we use labor as collateral. This will satisfy lenders in the event that the government may need to borrow money, but under my system, the government really wont have a need to borrow money (no, this is not Communism).


To be an American, you must first understand that our Constitution makes us responsible for the effective implementation of government. Taxes can be collected in many ways.

Citizen Taxation:

Because we're responsible for the government effectively running, I propose that instead of allowing the government to tax our currency, because its only purpose is to facilitate trade, we should pay our taxes in the form of Community Service. Everything that is done in the private sector is also done in the government sector. This means that a private Lawyer can offer Community Service as a Lawyer and so on.

Business Taxation:

Since people will be offering labor, the other half of the solution is to tax businesses. I think there should be a standard tax put on businesses that never go up or down. The tax is a little unorthodox like the citizen taxation. Instead of giving money, they should provide resources such as raw materials or even consulting services. Think of this as tithing, every business should give 10%. This is such a win, win for everyone involved for many reasons.

Without the government having to use currency to purchase, this will effectively limit the government to the success of the private business sector, which will in turn reduce the amount of red tape and regulation that is currently hindering our economic development. Businesses would also be playing an even more positive role in the community because they're the ones who are contributing locally and nationally.

Import and Export Taxation:

This is the only part of my proposal that I feel may not be as sound as I would like it, but that's why I'm also asking for your feedback. Everyone knows after the most recent scandal with the IMF that all of our gold is gone.

I think the best way to tackle this issue is to use the Gold Standard for Tariffs. After watching "Money Masters" and a few other documentaries, Tariff is not an ugly word. Tariffs were such a good thing that the world leaders not under the British Thumb of the Bank of England were extremely prosperous. I urge you to read my previous article.

Social Security:

Because of citizen taxation, I feel there will be no real need for the Medicare program. I take General Welfare in the preamble to the Constitution seriously, but do you understand what it means? General Welfare means to ensure the survival of the species, not to create all these entitlement programs that enslave the general public.

Social Security should be taken care of in the following way. Because of citizen taxation and business taxation, there will be enough raw materials to use the construction sector to build housing for those who are using Social Security, but there's a catch. The catch is this, those who are relying on the producers of society should contribute 3x's more in the form of Community Service. For example if every citizen is required to put in 160 hours of Community service a year, then those who are relying on to social safety net of Social Security will be required to put in 480 hours of Community Service.

For those of you who think that the Social Security portion of my plan may not work, let me tell you about my mom. My mother is now disabled because of the stress she put on her body doing her job, she can barely move sometimes no more than just the basic to and from the kitchen or car. Although my mom couldn't walk the neighborhood and pick up trash, she could answer phones among other light duty jobs. So, if my mom could offer her basic services for 480 hours a year, I think anyone can. As Technology improves, those who are limited on movement will be more empowered to do more within the community. My grandmother took care of a guy who is paralyzed from the neck down, he's able to operate a computer with his mouth hooked up to a straw since the 90's.

This is not Communism:

Before you scream Communism, I urge you to do more research on the subject like I have. Everywhere Communism has been put into place it has failed, why would I want to model after a failed system. The only reason why we have Communism today is because a deal was struck in the 1800's allowing the rich to keep their wealth if they financed their Communist dreams. Although Marxism is widely followed, he was not the originator of it, it was the church who actually favored it. I urge you to read Lee Brobsts first article, which there's a link in suggested reading, to get a more detailed history of Communism and its origination.

My main influence for this system is the Pre-Revolutionary War Colonial Scripts and the lessons learned from Jamestown.

During the time of the Colonial Script, England was on the Gold Standard. The problem was that there wasn't enough gold to be exchanged which caused problems in commerce. The states printed their own money on paper script to put just enough currency in the system to facilitate trade. This was so successful that the King outlawed the Colonial Scripts and forced the Colonies into the Gold Standard. Since there was so little gold here in America at the time, people were starving and had high unemployment. One year later the Stamp Act was passed to force the Colonies to pay their portion of England's National Debt. This is the point in history that Benjamin Franklin points to as the fuel for the Revolution.

The lesson learned from Jamestown is this. When they first arrived in America they set up a Communist system. The object was that everyone shared the work and the food, but no one worked and everyone took the food. This was a gradual decline because once the larger portion of people realized that a smaller percentage of people were strictly consuming, they began to follow their bad example. This led to mass starvation and they had to rethink their idea. They then divided up the land and everyone traded food among each other because they all had different crops. This was the blessing, Property Rights, that was invented here in America and has played such a prominent role in the development of this country.

National Debt:

At the beginning of this article I said I would explain how we could pay off our National Debt and end the Federal Reserve. The Federal Reserve Act has a buyout clause of $1bn. We also have a $14.3Trn debt to pay off to. If we abolish the Federal Reserve and print our own money like JFK did with EO 1110, there would be no real change seen by the general public. I propose that we use the Tariff system to service and pay off our National Debt, which could be paid off in 10-15 years. There are other ways to pay it off as well, for example, using some of the excess government taxed resources and labor to then trade in exchange of currency. This is not as complicated as it seems.


Right now we're in an economic collapse because of bad monetary policy. I don't claim this will fix everything, but it will fix a lot of them. Being a Libertarian myself, I would be excited to live under this system because you can only use it if you contribute (except in extreme circumstances). This satisfies Republicans because it will ultimately and forcibly limit the size of government and empower the individual. this will satisfy the Democrats because no human being should be deprived of basic necessities. This will satisfy Libertarians because it creates a sound monetary policy, limits the government, and provides for the general welfare of the public without letting the government become a parasite on society. There are probably holes in my argument, but its worth discussing. If you like this article, please pass it on so that we can bring as many people into this debate. Right now we have to fix our system or we risk going into another Dark Age or even worse, mass starvation. If our politicians won't offer up reasonable solutions, it's up to us because we are the government.

Friday, June 24, 2011

Why is the world threatened by America

The common cliche is "those who are ignorant of history are doomed to repeat it". The main purpose of this article is to show parts of American history. We've been brainwashed into believing that the British Empire fell and are friends of the United States. This is nothing short of a bold faced lie. Our Founding Fathers all the way up to Lincoln and possibly FDR did everything in their power to preven the influence of the "money changers". Below is an embeded link that will explain what I would have trouble explaining in a sufficient manner. I would also suggest you watch the documentary "money changers" because it does nothing more than back up Lee Brobst and refine his argument.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Population 207

I have been trying to figure out the best way to explain this to where it is understandable. It is not in the best interest of the United States to make sure we're educated, just that we at least know the basics. The things that I've learned while doing research has been eye opening. How many people really understand the Constitution or its intent? Not many!

Let's take a trip back in time to the Revolutionary war. The time is 1783 and the Treaty of Paris has just been signed, we won the war right? No, in more modern terms think of our occupation of Iraq. Americans were the one's listed as terrorists and insurgents, the King of England was dealing with the French and other issues that were stretching the Empire thin. If you take the time to read the Treaty of Paris 1783 this may make more sense to you on the next part of this journey.

The hostilities were officially ended in 1785, 2 years later the Constitutional convention happens, 4 years later the Constitution and the Bill of Rights are ratified by the states. Although this seems like a long time to todays standards, in modern times this would be the equivelant of 6 months.

A Mrs. Powel of Philadelphia asked Benjamin Franklin, "Well, Doctor, what have we got, a republic or a monarchy?" With no hesitation whatsoever, Franklin responded, "A republic, if you can keep it."
Dr. Franklin could by some be called a liar. The Constitution is a contract or even looked on as a treaty between the several states and the United States. There were specific limitations of this treaty such as coining money, regulating interstate (also considered international) commerce, and to come to the common defense of eachother. The United States was given a District of land 10x10miles, so in essence the United States is the District of Columbia and all its territories and the states are their own soverign country.

Before we go any further I need to make sure we have an understanding of what the "United States" were and the "several states". When our country started we were essentially Citizens of our respective states, not the United States. In order to become a citizen of the United States you had to swear an oath of citizenship which can be done in many ways (i.e. birth certificate, SSN, zip code, accepting benefits, or just by marking a document that you are a citizen of the United States). As a Citizen of your state (aka non-resident alien clasification in todays terms) you are governed by "Common Law". Many people dislike the common law because of the harshness of penalties, but it makes you free as well because as long as you're not violating somone else's property you are free to do as you wish. It is also less complicated so everyone knew the common law. As a United States citizen you are subject to their jurisdiction and state citizens are subject to the common law.

Note: This article will be continued as a string of articles each one standing upon the other. Take the time to check out the links under suggested reading to help with your own research on this topic.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Tribute to Patriots

Growing up my grandpa Agner used to talk to me about the Constitution. Through him I was able to understand and respect such a great document.

" I would like to have a digital record of what I believe are our present day founding fathers in thought and action. First, I think, and many others have stated this before me, that Ron Paul is our present day Thomas Jefferson. He has in many ways resembled him and maybe even Andrew Jackson.  
Ron Paul is a national hero in 2011, so I want to talk about others that I think deserve attention at this time such as Lee Brobst, Alex Jones, Bill Cooper, and Peter Schiff. I think these figures resemble the present day Anti-Federalist movement during the time of the Constitution, but this time their voice isn't being heard as loudly. Like all things, they can become perverted if they get into the wrong hands and that is what is used to slander these Patriots.
I feel that because of our lack of education when it comes to history is purposefully done to make it a boring subject, but you don't understand what the hi(story) is unless you read and learn which would be against the interest of the National Government of the United States."
 Please take the time to read the links under Suggested Reading to start your journey. These are articles which I think merrit thought, but I am in no way intending to mislead you, for example: What started me on this particular journey was Accepted for value, through research using some of the articles listed I was able to come to the conclusion that is was a scam, along with the FBI's scam list. People can't borrow money from themselves, it's an accounting term, not a law term. The term borrowing money from yourself was a way to make sure that book keeping was accurate, it's jargon not an actual fact because no one can borrow money from themselves. This is the research that I hope you do on your own, I just want to get you started.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

How the Constitution came to be

I have been recently researching the claim about the 14th amendment citizen and came across a highly organized group that call themselves the republic of the 50 states. At face value, they look great. What offended me most was how they operate as an organized unit, but they don't understand the history of the document they're wrapping theymselves in, so I've decided to give a breif history of how the Constitution came to be

In 1776 the Declaration of Independance was signed, but we didn't really have a government. Each State was its own soverign government. After the Declaration of Independence came the Articles of Confederation.

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Citizen of the soil

Welcome to my blog, you can just call me Citizen. Growing up we've always heard these folklores like "there's no gold in Fort Knox" or "the government is ran by the corperations". Until recently, I thought those people were a little crazy, we have the Constitution, who would trample on that?

I grew up as an Army bratt, all I knew is that the Constitution was the greatest document in the world and it was my dad's job to protect it. It wasn't until 9/11 that I really began to question with boldness what it was that made this country. In the process I went from Communist to to Patriot once I came to the understanding of what it was that made America.

Being a father myself, I understand that it is my duty to pass down to my son the traditions of our ancestors and a firm foundation about life. My goal is to use this blog as a tool for my son and others to use to come to the understanding of what the Constitution is all about, how to regain our Republic and what exactly our rights are and what they mean. Sometimes we as parent don't get the ability to sit down and go detail by detail, but hopefully this will be a guide that will bring all readers to the understanding of our form of government.